Offers and Needs Markets
Share your passions, skills and needs whilst bringing to life postgrowth experiences of abundance, cooperation and gratitude
Emma Woods
9/9/20243 min read

As I stood in the evening summer sunshine hanging out washing, I listened to people thousands of miles away sharing beautiful offers and sharing heartfelt needs with strangers they'd probably never meet. I felt a tingle of excitement and could feel the invisble threads of community being woven across globe.
This was my first experience of an Offers and Needs Market (OANM). Since then I've trained to facilitate these heartfelt experiences that open our eyes to the abundance in our communities and build powerful connections through sharing and exchange.
So what is an Offers and Needs Market?
At first glance it sounds simple: a place to exchange what we can offer and set out what we need. An exchange of sorts, we're all familiar with markets after all. But an OANM designed by the Post Growth Institute is so much more than that. This powerful heart-led experience helps us to tap into the collective abundance around us. It invites you to explore your skills, knowledge, resources, passions and perspectives to understand what offers you can make to your community. It invites your to broaden out your perspective to appreciate the gifts you already have to offer.
You're then asked to consider what you might need in that moment. What challenges are you facing? Is there anything you would like to learn? Is there anything I need the support of others to do?
Through a series of conversations in small groups you begin to share your Offers and Needs with your community. Through listening and sharing with others we begin to weave connections but also become alive to the abundance all around us. Hearing other's needs might remind you of some long forgotten passions, skills or knowledge that you're keen to share.
Every OANM is different so I can't predict the exact exchanges and matches you'll discover but I can promise a welcoming space, meaningful conversations and a chance to weave new connections within a new or existing community.
Read this amazing article by Susan Hunter Downer writing for Nowthen magazine after attending an OANM at Fearless Cities in November 2024.

Offers and Needs Market Feedback
"Gentle, respectful way to network and have conversations that are about things people may find challenging to share with strangers"
"a chance to think outside the box collectively"
"I particularly liked the part where it had options of the offer or need being free/barter/fixed/negotiable. The idea of bartering sounds amazing in today's context."
"Social interaction. Great discussions. Led really well, the concept is wonderful"
"The energy, the connections, the helpful people. Facilitator held space well"
"Very practical and feel good. Shows us that we are all a resource to each other"
upcoming offers and needs markets

sheffield 10th Jan 10am-12pm
Hosted by the Sheffield Social Enterprise Network and Voluntary Action Sheffield this Offers and Needs Market will be a chance to meet social entrepreneurs and those working in the third sector; but all are welcome. The session is free; sign up here
What's the format of an OANM?
OANMs are usually 2 hours and can be run in person or online via zoom. This gives us time to introduce the process, explore our offers and needs, share and listen. We'll move between being in a larger group, to small groups for sharing with time for individual and group reflections. You can download a detailed agenda for a typical OANM here.
How can I experience an OANM?
I usually facilitate OANMs for organisations that are available for their staff, volunteers and communities and not open to the public. However I am open to running public OANMs if there is interest. Get in touch to register your interest in experiencing an OANM. The Post Growth Institute also run regular online OANMs which bring people together from across the world.
I'm coming to an OANM, what should I expect? Do I have to give away my time for free?
I will do my best to create a warm, welcoming and respectful space where everyone feels comfortable sharing their Offers and Needs with the group. The power and beauty of the OANM is that participants are in control of what they offer and on what basis. You define what is offered, the availability and basis such as whether it is free, for exchange or monetary payment. There are no expectations of what is offered or that it will be for free.
There is also no pressure to give offers or share your needs. You are welcome to watch and observe the process if participating doesn't feel right in that moment.
How do I book an OANM for my community or organisation?
Contact and we can discuss options