What does Flourish Economics offer?

Regenerative economics courses, workshops and lunchtime learning all centered around building community

Research, analysis and radical thinking

Workshops, meetings and specialised facilitation

Economics Education



Economics Education

Regenerative economics courses, workshops and lunchtime learning all centered around building community.

For too long economics has been the preserve of the elites. Radical economics education with Flourish Economics supports social enterprises, charities and communities to reclaim the economy because economics is for everyone.

Previous courses

Co-facilitator Gaia Education Economics Dimension

Regenerative and Cooperative Economic Systems Design co-facilitated with Della Duncan. An 8 week online course that encourages you to dive deeper into the root causes of inequality, injustice and climate change whilst unlearning everything you thought you knew about economics. One element of Gaia education's 4 part Design for Sustainability and Regeneration course.


The Power of Rethinking: Myths, Markets and Meaningful Change

Sheffield Social Enterprise Network, Festival of Social Enterprise

A participatory 2 hour workshop where we collectively questioned, critiqued and unlearned common stories in mainstream economics. The workshop opens with a short clip from Ha-Joon Chang who reminds us that economics is for everyone! Not just economists.

In small groups we then explored and discussed;

feedback from participants

"Taking this course has provided me with a deep understanding of what economics is and changed my perspective. I found all the content to be insightful and engaging. Learning about indigenous economics, doughnut economics, the gift economy, and degrowth/post-growth was very helpful. Moreover, learning about the tragedy of the commons and the enclosure of the commons, how money is made and who controls it and the gender inequality was an eye opener."

Gaia Education Regenerative Economics participant, Aug 2024

"I have a totally and completely new understanding of economics. I was not looking forward to this dimension as I had preconceived notions about economics, but it has been completely turned upside down by Emma and Della!!!! The learning has been phenomenal! And it is thanks to these two amazing ladies and their ability to present the content of the material in such an amazing way.

After just a few weeks of engagement with this dimension, I see economics everywhere!!! I hear so many things around me, in the media, on the streets, in books, and I can relate it back to one of the topics that Emma and Della introduced us to. I never thought economics was about all the things that it touches!!! This has been such a tremendous and much needed learning in my life!!!! I only wish I had learned this all years ago!!!"

Gaia Education Regenerative Economics participant, Aug 2024

  • What is the economy?

  • Are resources scarce?

  • Are we rational, economic beings?

  • What's the purpose of the economy?

  • What should the purpose of the economy be?

The workshop unravels these common stories, offers ideas for new stories we can create and examples of alternative economics in action from across the world. Woven throughout the workshop are resources from diverse thinkers, and invitations to reflect on to continue the unlearning after the event. It even features a game!

This is an introduction to economics offered in an accessible way with no jargon. Participants are encouraged to challenge the dominant narratives of mainstream economics in a supportive and non-judgmental space.

This workshop can be tailored to your organisation's needs; including shortening/extension and the exploration of specific economic stories as requested. Flourish Economics exists to educate, empower and enliven and I would love to run a workshop for your organisation, community group or charity.

"I loved how the course was able to tackle economy and such dense themes in an accessible and welcoming way. Both outstanding facilitators, who felt committed to making the content, theme, reflections and conversations as welcoming as how it was approached in the modules. A lot of significant changes: new avenues to expand my knowledge on economics; understand and exercise new ideas focused on the challenges I see and face; be more positive and how I can try to act more and impact my community; and so many more."

Gaia Education Regenerative Economics participant, Aug 2024

"My perspective has completely changed. I am now confident in discussing economics and alternatives to capitalism. How I work and what I do has changed. This course has allowed me to step into the self, to zoom in, and go beyond the self and zoom out. It made me realise the importance of interconnectedness and community and how regenerative and cooperative concepts can start to change the status quo. "

Gaia Education Regenerative Economics participant, Aug 2024

"I learnt a lot. I enjoyed myself. I was not bored learning about economics when I normally struggle with subjects like this. ."

Workshop participant, March 2025

"I liked that the workshop met everyone where they were. It didn't require people to be beginners or experts in economics. I also liked how interactive it was, we had quite good discussions at our table."

Workshop participant, March 2025


Research, analysis and radical thinking

Previous and current clients


The case for a levy on the corporations fueling and profiting from the youth mental health crisis

Alternative networking through Offers and Needs Markets; Regenerative Economics workshops and content.

Organisation strategy development, decolonising economics workshops and team facilitation.


Workshops, meetings and specialised facilitation such as Offers and Needs Markets