upstream podcast library

breaking the chains of empire with abby martin

US Empire - the world's greatest enemy. US imperalism is not a single issue, it's directly connected to hundred of millions of people's lives, capital accumulation and global inequality, climate change, facism in the US, crumbling infrastructure, monopolies and much, much more. US imperialism is the issue that ties all of the other issues together, founded as it is on capital's need to accumulate profits and maintain US political hegemony. There is not a single issue in your life that cannot be traced back to our empire and its maintenance.

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HOW WE SHOW UP with mia birdsong

In this conversation we explore how capitalism has underminded our ability to create and sustain healthy communities, what it really means to show up for someone, how to set boundaries and hold each other accountable without bosses or policing, what a healthy interconnected community feels like and, how to cultivate a sense of collective vitality that embodies the liberated future we want right now.

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better lives for all with jason hickel

"We can end poverty, meet all human needs, and reverse climate change and do all of this with only 30% of the current energy and material output"

Sound too good to be true? Listen to the Upstream podcast to learn why we don't need accept the trade off between addressing poverty or the ecological crisis; switching to a needs based approach and how to pay for it.

Episode Transcripts in different formats;

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breaking things at work with gavin mueller

Coming soon

Episode Transcripts in different formats;

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  • VTT file